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La Licorne, Cannes La Bocca.

(02.06.2024, 17h00)


Le Plongeoir Espace Culturel Altitude 500, Grasse.


Exposition "Ce Que Le Parfum Doit A La Terre"

Musée International de la Parfumerie,  Grasse. 

(16.12 to 10.03.2024)

Exposition "Métamorphose" 

Médiathèque Charles Nègre,  Grasse. 

(16.12 to 27.02.2024)

Celebrating 5 years since
"L’inscription des savoir-faire liés au parfum au Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel de l’UNESCO"

Place de Clavecin, Grasse.

(28.11.2023 to 03.2024)

Rencontres Autour de la transmission des savoir-faire de la parfumerie.

28.11.2023, Musée International de la Parfumerie

Psychanalyse Des Fleurs

  • Villa St. Hilaire, Grasse
    14.02 to 24.03.2023)

  • Palais des Beaux Arts, Paris (11 to 16.04.2023)

  • Espace de l'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux (22.04 to 7.05.2023)

  • Villa Andre Bloc, Paris
    (16 to 17.09.2023)


Creation of a perfume for a contemporary dance, combining live music & olfactory experience. MYRIAD is an original creation, a sensory encounter between contemporary dance directed by Sacha STORTO, live music by Peter CORSER, with his trio Palm to Palm, and the olfactory experience by perfumer Kitty SHPIRER.

A fusion of the arts that perfectly reflects what the show is all about: connecting with others. The show features three dancers, three musicians and a perfume specially designed for the piece, materialized by scented tabs that spectators can smell if they wish throughout the performance.

I'm delighted to be among Célia Pernot's photographic creations at the Musée International de la Parfumerie.

Collaboration with visual artist Laurence AELLION.
Creation of a perfume for the artwork entitled "Rouge Marine" as part of the "Métamorphoses" exhibition.

I am honored to have my portrait displayed on panels at the open-air exhibition on
Place du Clavecin in downtown Grasse.​

Olfactory culture for all audiences, by mediators from Grasse's cultural structures and three contemporary artists from Villa Arson's "pilot program", Alice MAGNE, Liv JOURDAN and Ismaël JUDE and kitty SHPIRER.

Collaboration with writer ISMAEL JUDE on a literary and olfactory exposition.
Creation of 6 fragrances based on the author's poetic texts.

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